Are you renting and looking to move but unsure where to start?

Have you been served with an “N” form and want to know more about your tenant rights and responsibilities?

Are you struggling to budget rent each month and need budgeting tips?

The MNO’s Housing Stabilization Program is here to help! Our Get Housed, Stay Housed service supports individuals and families to increase their housing capacity and promote long-term stability.

For more information, reach out to our MNO Housing Stabilization Program at or call 1-800-263-4889 Ext 350. Schedule a group or one-on-one support session delivered over the course of one or two meetings.

We are calling on all MNO citizens and storytellers! The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) is compiling a collection of stories directly from citizens for a special project called “Family Voices”.

Share your stories and help commemorate and reflect on the remarkable success of the MNO over the past 30 years, and celebrate the profound impact of the landmark Métis rights case R v. Powley.

The collected “Family Voices” stories will be compiled into a book to preserve and highlight stories showcasing how the growth of the MNO and Powley decision have positively affected families across the MNO.

Your stories are the heartbeats of our community. Whether it’s a tale of resilience, cultural revival, or newfound opportunities, your story matters!

Click here to complete the form