Region 5 is one of nine regions represented by the Métis Nation of Ontario. The region covers from Chalk River through to South River through to Killarney then west to Espanola and North to Temagami. They serve Métis Community Councils in Mattawa, North Bay and Sudbury of all ages with programs, services, supports, and strong advocacy for Métis rights. In which includes 2 historical Métis communities of Mattawa/Ottawa River and environs along with Killarney and environs.

La Région 5 est l’une des neuf régions représentées par la Nation métisse de l’Ontario. La région s’étend de Chalk River à South River en passant par Killarney, puis à l’ouest jusqu’à Espanola et au nord jusqu’à Temagami. Ils servent les conseils communautaires métis de Mattawa, North Bay et Sudbury de tous âges avec des programmes, des services, des soutiens et de solides défenseurs des droits des Métis. Dans lequel comprend 2 communautés métisses historiques de Mattawa / rivière des Outaouais et des environs ainsi que Killarney et ses environs.

Sudbury Region
Copper Cliff

North Bay Region
East Ferris
Sturgeon Falls

Mattwa Region
Chalk River
Deep River
Deux Rivieres
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In Powley, the Supreme Court of Canada held that Métis rights—protected by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982—exist in Ontario. This case established the framework for the recognition of Métis rights.

The Métis within section 35 refers to distinctive peoples or communities who, in addition to their mixed First Nation and European ancestry, developed their own customs, way of life, and recognizable group identity separate from their forebearers.

In order for a contemporary Métis community to possess section 35 rights it must have its roots in an identifiable historic Métis community that emerged prior to the time when Europeans established effective political and legal control in the area. It is therefore crucial to identify such historic Métis communities.

Identifying a historic Metis community requires demographic evidence that the population was identified as distinctive, evidence that the community had its own collective identity, and, evidence that the community had its own shared customs, practices and traditions.

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Mattawa Region

The Mattawa Metis Council is described geographically as follows:

Western Boundary: From Temiscaming follow a vertical line straight south to the intersection of Hwy 531 and Hwy 17. From the intersection of Hwy 531 and Hwy 17 (west of Rutherglen) proceed south down Hwy 531 to Bonfield continue southwest along the western shore of Lake Nosbonsing. From the south end of Lake Nosbonsing continue south along the west side of Wasi Lake, follow the Wasi River south to the Northwest corner of Algonquin Park.

Southern Boundary: From the northwest corner of Algonquin Park follow the Park boundary in an easterly direction to the Northeast corner of the Park boundary.

Eastern Boundary: From the Northeast corner of Algonquin Park follow the Chalk river southeast through the Laurention Hills to Sturgeon Lake, proceed northeasterly across Sturgeon Lake to the Ontario-Quebec border.

Northern Boundary: Follow the Ontario-Quebec border west and then north to Temiscaming.

Mattawa Métis Council Office
2-380 Main Street
Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0

North Bay Region

The Community represented by the Community Council is described geographically as follows:

Southern: Beginning at Henvey Inlet head in an easterly direction along Hwy 522 to Golden Valley. From Golder Valley draw a horizontal line to South River on Hwy 11.

Western: From Obakika Lake follow Hwy 805 down to the intersection of the Temagagmi River. From there draw a vertical line to Field. Continue south on Hwy 64 to Hwy 17, follow Hwy 17 west to Cache Bay. From Cache Bay draw a vertical line to the western tip of Lake Nipissing. Follow the shore line of Lake Nipissing in an easterly direction to Dokis. From Dokis draw a horizontal line west to Wolsey Bay. From Wolsey Bay draw a vertical line southwest to Henvey Inlet.

Northern: From the southern tip of Rabbit Lake draw a horizontal line in a westerly direction to the southeastern tip of Obabika Lake.

Eastern: From South River draw a vertical line northeast to the southern tip on Manitou Lake, from the southern tip of Manitou Lake draw a line north to Bonfield from Bonfield draw a vertical line north to Thorne. From Thorn follow the Ottawa River north until you reach the southern tip of Rabbit Lake.

North Bay Métis Council Office
156 McIntyre West
North Bay, ON P1B 1G5

Sudbury Region

The Sudbury Métis Council is a charter member of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO), The Charter Agreement along with the Community Code and Community Electoral code are the policy documents that the SMC refers to when holding mandatory community elections. These documents also outline the rules and regulations for conducting council business and ensuring transparency and accountability through sound fiscal management.

The community represented by the Sudbury Métis Council is described geographically as follows:

Southern From Key River follow the Key River in a western direction till it intersects with Georgian Bay. Follow the shoreline of Georgian Bay in a westerly direction to George Island from George Island proceed in a southwesterly direction till you intersect with the eastern tip of Manitoulin Island (Wikwemikong) follow the easter shoreline of Manitoulin Island in a southern direction around the shoreline of Manitoulin Island through South Bay Mouth to Providence Bay. Continue along the shoreline to Burnt Island, around the shoreline of Meldrum Bay, continue along the shoreline of Manitoulin Island until you reach Little Current.

Western From Little Current draw a vertical line north to Webbwood. From Webbwood proceed in a northerly direction following the Spanish River until you reach the northern tip of Pogamasing Lake.

Northern From the northern tip of Hwy 805 follow Hwy 805 in a southern direction until Hwy 805 intersects with Hwy 35A. Follow Hwy 35A south to River Valley, continue southeast to Desauliners, from Desauliniers draw a vertical line south to 3km east of Verner. From Verner proceed southwest to Key River.

Sudbury Métis Council Office
875 Notre Dame Avenue
Sudbury, ON P3A 2T2